Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cleanliness of Singapore/Misc.

Went for a dip in the morning, got ready to go meet BF and some fellow PU graduates at Chinatown MRT Station.

The MRT is the metro station of Singapore. You know, I haven't noticed an excessive cleanliness about Singapore until I stepped into the Chinatown MRT station. You see, if it had been any other city, I would have definitely expected a dirty, dirty place. The floors in this MRT station (my first one that I've seen) were incredibly clean. Not clean enough to lick, seeing as thousands of people go through an MRT station each and every day, but certainly clean enough for me to be very impressed. When you walk outside on the street, sure you don't see litter and junk just laying around, but because I don't expect these things to be here, maybe I am a tad...ignorant as to how Singapore compares to other cities. I guess I just expect every city to be clean enough.

I know that Singapore is criticized for being 'sterile,' I really don't feel like the place is so immaculate that you would notice. However, FM's house is truly immaculate. It's a gorgeous home with the funniest cats!

Today!!!!!!!!! Trump let me stroke him, and he totally jumped into my lap. Einstein is a sleepy kitty. No sign of Ms. Twinkle. :(

Dim sum was pretty good, but I didn't feel well so we ended up going home afterwards while I took a long, long nap (4 hours). I just woke up :). BF said that he had some food poisoning :(. Maybe I just slept it off instead of getting sick. I am so proud of my body :). You good girl you.

Tomorrow I have to buy some orchids and durian for FM's parents. I think we're going to go apartment hunting tomorrow. Today was so dreary because it rained the majority of the day. We're going to be lazy and call a real estate agent though - just something along the Green Line (MRT line) in the east.

I'm sure this is a common thing, but the weirdest things have happened to me for the first time in the last two days:
1. Dreamt of something knocking, and it turned out to be real.
2. Dreamt of someone calling and me answering the phone. Then I woke up because someone was knocking on my door to answer the phone. Oh man. I even dreamt the person who actually called. Weird!!!!

I did a psychological experiment on my sister a long time ago (maybe...junior year of high school). Yeah Tinky. I don't know if I ever told you this....

^_^ it was about external cues while you're sleeping. I rubbed a rock on her hand (which I was seriously considering dipping in warm water HAHAHAHAHA) and then asked her about it the next morning, but nothing really happened. I suppose my sleeping pattern is different here.


My voice has changed a bunch too. I think that it's a lot deeper now. :(

I'm currently obsessed with "Better in Time" by Leona Lewis. Over and over, this is me!

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