Saturday, November 1, 2008

bunny doesn't no

Bunny is trying to be creative and come up with an adventure for her Saturday (it's raining, BRING OUT THE BOOTS!!!!!). She is thinking about visiting a museum full of Buddhist relics! Reminds me of my aunt en Paris ^.^

But Buns is alone for a minute, so:

This is a story about a bunny. in Singapore. She went out last night to meet a bunch of people for Halloween (which means that the clubbers dress up and none of the kids do...nor do they trick or treat [Travesty]). But I had a great time and met a bunch of people who went to "junior college" (which is the equivalent of junior-senior year of high school in the ESTADOS UNIDOS (EEUU).

Otherwise, I have to come up with a better plan. I also need to find my umbrella. I suspect that I left it somewhere because I still have the shell but have not located it. It could be under all the clothes.....nevermind.

I need a maid :(


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