Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cooking Fiend (??) & Carla Bruni

Last night, after a tear-inducing meal (yeah, I ordered curry at a Thai restaurant and didn't think about it. duh), I went to this live band karaoke called Actors around Boat Quay near the bridge (along South Bridge Road). It was really fun, and even if I messed up all my songs, it was still a great time spent with Daniel & Xavier. 

I even woke up and got to work on time. Huzzah!

I've started obsessing about recipes, so right now I think I have collected about 500 recipes, mainly from Martha Stewart. Yeah, I'm cool like that. I'll be looking through other websites' recipes - for things that I already like to eat or just sounds like I would like to eat/cook. 

I don't know why, but suddenly I feel the need to cook. What is this?? How ridiculous is that?? And I hope that my parents give me some Vietnamese food recipes because all the Pho recipes are definitely not close to the ones they use. Sigh.

Last night my friend played for me Carla Bruni's "Quelqu'un m'a dit" and told me I should learn it. Holy moly it's fast! I can barely understand anything other than the refrain due to the repetition - but the youtube video is sweet.

Tonight I think I will be just working late and then some laundry and sleep.  It's already Wednesday!

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