Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Audrey Tautou as Coco Chanel and Other News!!

  • Children with older fathers have lower IQs [Reuters] I could make a lot of cracks right here, but then again, I prefer older fathers over 13 year old boys.
  • With 78 million about to enter retirement, we sure need more nurses [Reuters] But nursing schools have become too exclusive and therefore, somehow...we have to fix this problem. mmmhmmm
  • Someone tried to smuggle cocaine into Spain in his cast [Reuters] and some folding chairs and beer cans. Smart. Hm...I didn't know that most drugs in Europe enter through Spain. How would we know this? I smell something fishy.
  • If you're British, no more YouTube music videos for you [Reuters] Tough luck, chap.
(Coco Before Chanel)

It's entirely in French. Opening in France 22 Avril. 

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