Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Healthcare Shmelthcare

Thy-Mors hospital in Denmakr and IBM have teamed up to create a 3D computer model of patient anatomy in order to visualize a patient's medical history instead of sifting through lots and lots of records.

Arrows on the body indicate treated areas, and a mouse-click on a specific part will reveal relevant medical history.

The only thing I wonder is, where do you click for immunizations? Hm??? Or allergies, especially those medicine-related allergies?

This sounds like a really good idea, but I hope that the software does address these as well as other things I fail to mention. It does, however, seem to be a waste of some data space if the snapshot of the body is different for every single person. I hope that the labels just follow the link of the person. And always, I hope that the privacy of the person is protected with painsaking attention to details.

I wonder if abortions would show up. Vitamin supplements? Charts related to growth as a child? Maybe there is a better way to organize the information, mm?

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