Friday, August 8, 2008


So last night after work, I went back to Fpoo's house for a while and then we went out to Orchard Rd to eat some bibimbop (and japchae!!) at a Korean restaurant in Takashimaya.  Then we went to the "New Asia Bar" and hung out in the VIP section (because no one was up there, so the manager let us go up there!)!! Don't worry, I didn't stay late, maybe until 11 or so.  The view was magnificent!  It's on the 72nd floor of the hotel, so the night view was so beautiful.  I took some pictures and will upload them later.  

This Saturday is National Day (of Independence, I suppose, from Malaysia).  So tonight I'm being all awesome (as usual) and pretending to be a good cook (they're bbqing, so I'm in charge of cutting STuFF) as well as an amazing poker player. I'm bringing fpoo along. hopefully I am not such an easy read.  Then either I am going to Sentosa tomorrow or.........PRAWN FISHING. HAHAHA!  Yeah totally awesome I know. I'm not sure which it will be though.  I am kinda tubobbly now, so if we go to sentosy, it may not be such a good thing. bah!

So what else? Sunday night I'm going out to eat with a friend from the seminar.  Anything else awesome? I hope that I win tonight!  Tonight is also the opening of the Olympics!  Huzzah!  So in Chinese culture, 8 is a lucky number (along with 3 and 1), so today is ESPECIALLY auspicious: 8 Aout 2008.  Nice nice, eh?  I was talking to Mommy, and everything sounds ok. I heard that you were going camping. Bah! I miss KatKat and Ethie. :(  And all the other babies. Maybe even Codge. :p

Mommy told me this story about how Henry would stuff a dollar bill into his hand, but when I tried to do it, it just sort of fell through the other side. But I am awesome because I figured it out when I was 1!! Huzzah!  Ah eyes = water. :'( I miss Mommy and Daddy.

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