Saturday, September 27, 2008

eating char siew pao and um pork porridge

so i stayed out late last night playing pool with some of my friends, and then i slept over at a friend's house and watched a few movies (on top of the four that i watched during the flight)

so let's see. from london, i went to paris for a day and a half to visit ma famille! i met some of the cousins (the arrangements were so last minute :p, so i didn't get to see everyone). i will upload pictures later. my cousins' children are SO cute! SOOOOO CUTE! and I had a good time just seeing family again because it's been over 1.5 years since I've seen them last (Christmas 2006). Well anyways, it was about a two hour train trip back to London, then a 57lb trip to the heathrow airport. for real. i have the most precious video of my cousin's one year old daughter scooping rice to put into the rice cooker. PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!! (lalu!)

then, what else? then i didn't sleep on the airplane because i couldn't fall asleep, so I watched What Happens in Vegas, Prince Caspian, House of the Flying Daggers, and Don't Mess with the Zohan. Yeah...I was that bored. I was even bored enough to follow my trip across Europe, Middle East, South Asia and down to Singapore, even though it was all in Chinese characters. Bored.

I ate a lot too on the plane. I'm sorry of in love with the pretzels that were salt and vinegar-flavored. yes. I think I preferred the plane's food to the food in Mx, and besides two meals (even though it was just a cream of chicken with roasted corn, it wasn't too shabby).


ok so what else? i got back, unpacked a few things (well, my laundry basket is now overflowing if that is what unpacking is actually) and then headed out to meet my friends who I missed!!!!!!!! so now I am going to play risk and eat dinner with ma famille singapore!

and my friend SH is totally doing my hair right now. I think that we're going to have a good laugh.

and i love john paul mitchell tea tree shampoo. it is the best. and i might look like an alien right now.



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