Monday, September 29, 2008

some people live for the fortune. some people live just for the fame.

Who is EXCITED!?? I love Alicia Keys, by the way.

By the way, I'm throwing a shout out to my cousin Joe who says that he will just skim my blog because I am "quirky". Nice.

SO this morning I really couldn't go to sleep until like........4 am? I guess I am worse jet-lagged than I thought. I got home at a reasonable hour after (missing) watching the F1 race (that Indianapolis lost to Singapore...lame) and shopping a bit. I bought a nice business card holder, and I also bought two colors of havaianas, which are "good quality" (as my friends tell me) flip flops - one pair brown, the other champagne. nice. If I really find myself lacking, I will buy a pair of white or black havaianas. I miss my red purse... :(

So what else is new? I missed Asian food so much that I got teased for eating so much since I've gotten back. It's not my fault that Mexico and London didn't satisfy me. But I am planning to go wakeboarding (no cancellations this time!!) this Sunday for a few hours, so hopefully I will get a bit of sun as well as someone's eyes bleeding out because of my round tumtum. WHAHAHA. seriously. laugh out loud. I need to stop gorging myself with delicious Singapore food. Today I had a bowl of beef udon, sun maki and a raspberry fizzy, sugary drink (esprit) for lunch.

Tonight I will be cleaning my apartment and doing loads and loads of laundries. I figured out that my washing machine:
1. likes to eat my socks
2. likes to chew my shirts
3. doesn't like to take a big mouthful
4. takes less than an hour
5. cannot wash reds before whites. cannot wash anything before whites. or else the whites are whites no more. they are pinks. or greens.
6. eats my money

So hmm...what else is new? I had a small chat with a guy with whom I went to junior high school. I bothered a few of my friends. Rescheduled wakeboarding for Sunday. and OH YEAH I got a new number for Singapore. No more prepaid for me! :) I didn't get another phone though. Not yet at least. I have to pay a minimum of $100 to get another phone, but since I already have two, I'll just carry two around because I have like 900 minutes to use up from my other phone (even though I cannot have any incoming calls, which is totally lame but whatever).

Buying an iphone is $208 with a 2-year plan. That is super cheap, man! I feel like I should have waited to buy a phone because I would have saved a lot of money, but it's ok, I guess because I wanted a phone before I knew that I would be based in Sg and not Dubai.

I was back at work today and reading more about the Mex project. I'm thinking about signing up for gymnastics classes, which are on Thursday nights and Saturday afternoons. I think that I would rather sign up for the Thursday night one because I can hang out with my friends on Saturday afternoons. The only bad part is that I might be very sore the next morning (Friday). Waking up sore on Sunday would be ok because I get to recuperate some, but Saturday afternoons are when we all hang out, so because I need my exercise, I think Thursday is the way to go. It will cost me $500 to get out to December 13, which I think is quite reasonable. I want to find out if I can purchase enough for 10 classes or so though or more because I don't know how often I will be out of town. I will check out the place/class this Thursday night after work.

Is there anything else to ramble about? No? Well I'm going to upload a video of one of my cousin's daughters being really cute.

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