Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What Yield (Yellow Light) Means in Singapore

So in the US, from what little I remember of the Driver's Manual, a red light means STOP, a green light means GO, and a yellow light means IF YOU'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERSECTION, KEEP GOING - IF NOT, SLOW DOWN.

ok. so!

Today I was sitting at the bus stop, waiting for the next bus to come (since the other one came when I was about 2 blocks away...poo). Singaporeans are so ....so....funny!  I love that I saw not one but TWO cars make a mad dash to "beat the yellow light."

HAHA ROFL (roll on the floor laughing)! I saw two cars (at different intervals) that ran two red lights because in Singapore, the yellow light means SPEED UP, SUCKER.

Yes. I laughed a lot today.
