Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I got Good News for you!

At least, some news:

  • Survey of 47 professional forecasters of the National Association of Business Economists predict a recovery in the second half of this year with a growth trend in 2010. [Reuters]
  • Some laid-off Microsoft employees are asked to return money due to accounting error [Reuters]
  • North Korea to launch a "satellite," not a longe-range missile [CNN]
  • Obama pledges to cut the US National Deficit in half by the end of his first term [CNN]
  • Octo Mother to lose her house March 5 [US Weekly]
    I'll be honest. I hope she loses the kids. We all get that she loves them, but I don't think she can even support one. She even started asking for donations. She's unemployed. And now she's losing her house? Child Services needs to step into this picture. Urgently.
  • AMAZING PICTURES of Carnivals [Boston.com]
  • The world's favorite unmarried virgin has eloped [People.com
    My favorite Angel, Adriana Lima married to some pishposh basketball player. Sigh.
  • Art Appreciation: Men use only one half of their brain while women use both [BBC]
  • What's next for Google.org
    "to use the power of information and technology to address the global challenges of our age"
  • Yves Saint Laurent art sale is massive, and I wish I was there! [NY Magazine]
  • Indian woman accused of selling her baby for $130 [CNN]
    Woman, you disgust me. I don't care how impoverished you are. You are sick.
  • US to compensate Filipino WWII veterans (well, the ones still alive) [CNN]
    Many Filipinos (at that time, the Phillippines were a US Commonwealth) signed on with the promise of full US veteran benefits, but this was signed away with the Recession Act of 1946 by President Truman. I would say more, but my parents will read this. :)
Hope you're enjoying life!

    One of my favorite books ever (Sabrielby Garth Nix is in the midst of becoming a film. I am ridiculously, ridiculously excited.
There needs to be a word when you emphasize something by italicizing, bolding and underlining it. Perhaps I will come up with my own word:
  • bolundericizing
  • itaboldunderlining
  • underbolitalicizing
  • bunitaling
OK I give up. We'll just go with overemphasizing for now. ^.^

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