Friday, November 21, 2008

TRIP TO BALI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just spent two hours struggling to get a ticket with Lion Air, which is an Indonesian company. My friend asked if I would be interested in going to Bali for four days in December, so I will be GOING TO BALI!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m terribly excited. I’m trying to get one of my Indonesian friends from Purdue to go as well. HOORAY!

In all seriousness, tonight I plan to do a little bit of shopping, and then afterwards I may just stay home. The husband goes to Central Europe with two girls :’( …leaving in about 10 minutes for an adventure of a life time. He has been planning the trip for a long time! He will be gone for three weeks. Hopefully by the time he returns, I will be tanner (and not BURNT!). Another one of my friends (blast from the past man…) is coming to Singapore for three weeks in December (after I return), so hopefully we will be able to hang out a few times. I work though, as you know, so I won’t be able to play that much. But I’m excited to see the Chipmunk as well . And his brother.

I need to seriously do some laundry when I go home today. And I’m really excited about Bali because I think that a duffel bag will totally be enough to go for only 3 days. I hope that it doesn’t rain when we are there. The flight is about two hours long. I will be waiting for my friend to arrive for the entire day though, but I’m not that concerned.

Is there anything else? Yeah, I’m kinda excited about shopping today, even if I’m going by myself. And then I will go home and try to do some chores, unless my friends invite me out to do something of interest.

Facebook has saved me from peril. I can keep track of my friends, and this is really important to me (being across the world will do that to you). The more that I stay in Singapore though, the less I feel like I would be comfortable back home (albeit, I miss my family & friends like the dickens). I think that when I live in Ang Moh Land (US), I will have to live close to an Asian community or otherwise risk becoming insane.

I’m really excited about Bali, and I hope that I get some SORT OF COLOR ON MY SKIN. Seriously. Gah. I leave in 12 days. Don't worry M&D, Bali is totally safe.

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